Patriots Run NV

Welcome to the Patriots Run Nevada Chapter

America has more voter fraud and stolen elections than many third-world countries, and all of this has happened because Democrats took control of key positions and our Republican leaders in office were too weak to do their jobs. As a result our state political offices, and our Presidency, has been stolen from us. The Patriots Run Project was started to help conscious conservatives stand up and hold the elites in both parties and save our nation from destruction.

Why We Stand

At the Nevada Patriots Run Chapter, we believe in the importance of preserving traditional American values and promoting individual liberty. Our great state of Nevada, with its rich history and rugged individualism, serves as the perfect example of what it means to stand strong in the face of adversity. We stand against the Uniparty’s attempts to erode our nation’s foundations and undermine the very principles that made America great. We are committed to defending our constitutional rights, protecting the sanctity of life, and restoring law and order in our communities.

What is the Uniparty & How are they harming America?

The Uniparty is the cabal of elites occupying powerful positions in both the Democrat and Republican Parties, who operate to serve globalist interests of their anti-American corporate interests rather than hard-working, traditional American families.

The Uniparty has been working behind the scenes to advance their own agenda, often at the expense of hardworking Nevadans and Americans across the nation. By pushing for unchecked government expansion, stifling free speech, and undermining election integrity, the Uniparty is systematically dismantling the values that form the backbone of our nation.

Our Values


Election fraud poses a significant threat to the sanctity of our democratic process. Across Nevada and the nation, instances of voter fraud and irregularities have raised doubts about the legitimacy of election outcomes. To protect the voice of every citizen, we must address these issues head-on and ensure that every legal vote is counted. We advocate for measures that strengthen election security, promote voter ID laws, and maintain accurate voter rolls, safeguarding the future of our democracy.


Our constitutional rights are the pillars of American freedom. From the First Amendment’s guarantee of free speech to the Second Amendment’s protection of our right to bear arms, these rights are essential to preserving our nation’s identity. The Nevada Patriots Run Chapter is dedicated to defending these liberties against the Uniparty’s encroachment and preserving the rights that have made America the land of the free.


Being pro-life means advocating for the sanctity and value of all human life, from conception to natural death. We recognize the importance of protecting the most vulnerable among us, including the unborn. The Nevada Patriots Run Chapter is committed to promoting policies that support life-affirming options, like adoption, and working to create a culture that cherishes every life.


The violent actions of extremist groups like ANTIFA and BLM have left many of our cities, including Las Vegas and Reno, in turmoil. The Nevada Patriots Run Chapter believes that every citizen deserves to live in a safe and secure community. We support the brave men and women in law enforcement and advocate for policies that restore order and ensure the safety of our neighborhoods.


The Nevada Patriots Run Chapter opposes medical tyranny in all its forms. From forced vaccinations to draconian lockdown measures, we believe that individuals should have the freedom to make their own healthcare decisions. We are committed to fighting for personal autonomy and advocating for policies that prioritize medical freedom and informed consent. Together, we can put an end to overreaching government intervention in our lives.

We Need You


Our nation’s greatest strength has always been its bold and strong Patriots. When freedom needed men and women to stand up, wherever the call came from, American Patriots answered and won.

Now our very way of life is under threat, assaulted from all sides. We must open our eyes and face the tyranny already occupying our government offices. It’s time to rise, it’s time to run. Learn more about our growing movement by reaching out.